sh4speech voice command reference
Start of Game Initialization Commands - Important!
"I have 4 tubes" or "setup 4 tubes" (valid:  4, 6, 8, 10)
"reset tubes" or "reset all tubes" or "set all tubes closed"
   (sets state to Tube 1 selected & all closed)
"reset dials" or "reset all dials"
   (sets state to Telegraph/Compass/Shallow)

"Command Room"
"Navigation Map" or "Map"
"Attack Map"
"Attack Scope" or "Attack Periscope"
"Observation Scope" or "Observation Periscope"
   "raise attack scope" or "raise attack periscope"  (substitute:  "up", "observation", "lower", "down")
   "raise all masts" or "up both scopes" (substitute:  "down" or "lower")
"lock" and "view to heading"
   "target that vessel" (when looking at something)
   "identify target" (TM only)
"UZO" or "TBT"
"Deck Gun"
"AA Gun" or "Flak Gun" or "Anti Aircraft Gun"
"Sonar" or "Sonar Station"
"Radar" or "Radar Station"
"Crew Status" or "Crew" or "Sub Management"
"Captain's Log" or "Captain's Panel"

Map Controls
"set course" or "set a course" or "plot course"
"resume course" or "resume previous course" or "return to course" or "return to previous course"
"patrol course" or "patrol" or "set up a patrol course"

"depth below keel" or "depth under keel" or "depth reading"
"fuel" or "fuel status" or "how's our fuel"
"batteries" or "battery level" or "how's our batteries"
"compressed air" or "how's our air" or "air status" or "how much air do we have"
"co2" or "carbon dioxide" or "co2 level"
"time to end course" or "time to course end"
"torpedo status"

Telegraph / Knotmeter (Boat speed)
"all stop"
"ahead one third" and "back one third"
"ahead two thirds" and "back two thirds"
"ahead standard" and "back standard"
"ahead full" and "back full"
"ahead flank" or "ramming speed"
"make your speed 24 knots" (1-24)
"recharge batteries"

Heading / Directional Control
"heading to view" or "this way" or "this way helm" or "helm on my bearing" (from a scope)
"heading right 45 degrees" (relative to current compass position)  (substitute "left")
"heading 180 degrees"

"hard to port" or "left full rudder"
"hard to starboard" or "right full rudder"
"rudder amidships" or "rudder center"


"make your depth 60 feet" (15-450 feet)
"periscope depth"
"dive" or "dive dive dive"
"crash dive"
"surface" or "surface the boat" or "bring her up" or "let's get some air"
"maintain depth" or "level" or "level the boat" or "level her off"
"emergency surface" or "blow ballast" or "blow tanks" or "blow the tanks"

Attack and Emergency Orders
"battle stations" or "general quarters" or "stand down from battle stations" (toggles)
"crash dive"
"recognition manual"
"silent running" or "silence" or "quiet" or "rig for silent running" or "rig for silence" (toggles)
"secure from silent running" or "secure from silence" (toggles)
"Decoys" or "deploy decoys"
"knuckle left" or "evasive left" or "left evasive" (substitute:  "right")
"damage control team"
"emergency surface" or "blow ballast" or "blow tanks" or "blow the tanks"

"I have 4 tubes" or "setup 4 tubes" (valid:  4, 6, 8, 10)
"reset tubes" or "reset all tubes" or "set all tubes closed"
   (assumes Tube 1 is selected & all closed)

"torpedo settings" and "PK status" (both do the same, toggles the mode. Be sure the torp settings mode is up before doing the following:)
      "[increase or decrease] torpedo depth [1-49] feet" (relative to current setting)
      "exploder contact"
      "exploder influence"
      "torpedo speed low" or "low speed torpedoes"
      "torpedo speed high" or "high speed torpedoes"
      "spread [right or left] [0-19] degrees" (relative to current setting)

"range finder " or "range tool" (sorry, "stadimeter" just won't recognize)
"[increase or decrease] target angle [1-179] degrees" (auto-sends to computer)
"[increase or decrease] target speed [1-40] knots" (auto-sends to computer)
"calculate target speed" (auto-sends to computer)

"toggle PK" (clicks once)
"update PK" (clicks twice to update after new readings are sent in)
     (substitute: "position keeper")

open tube 4" (goes to that tube and opens it)  (substitute:  "close") (toggles)
"tube 2" (just selects the tube)
"next tube" or "cycle tubes"
"automatic torpedo loading" or "automatic torpedo loading"

Deck Gun / AA Gun
"man the deck gun"
"deck gun fire at will"
"deck gun short range" or "medium range" (subsitute: "AA") (toggles)
"deck gun aim for hull"
(or "waterline" or "command deck" or "weapons")
"man AA guns" (substitute:  "anti-aircraft" or "flak")
"aft AA gun" or "fore AA gun" (goes to specific station)
"AA target closing" or "AA wait 'till they're close"


"sonar normal sweep"
"sonar contacts" or "sonar report contacts" or "sonar anything?"
"follow nearest contact" or "follow nearest sonar contact"
"range to target" or "sonar range to target" or "how close is he sonar"
"send range to TDC"

"PPI radar"
"A-Scope radar"
"turn on the radar" (substitute:  "off")
"radar continuous sweep" (TM)
"radar one sweep" (TM)

Trigger Maru
"time normal" or "tc normal" (time compression adjustment)
"weather report" or "report weather" or "how's the weather"
"identify target" or "id target" or "target ID" or "target identification"
"nearest visual contact"
"sonar follow nearest warship contact" or "follow warship"

""increase TC" and "decrease TC"
"Free Camera" or "External Camera" or "Outside", "next unit" or "previous unit" (from a valid camera)
"event camera" and "no event camera" or "kill that event camera"
"take a picture", "rescue" or "rescue survivors" or "rescue team" or "let's get those people out of the water"
"radio" and "gramophone"